Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nice, new task chair....and skin lesions...

Some news is good news, like the comfy new task chair I bought a couple of days ago to replace the one that kept wanting to 'throw' me out of it! It was delivered today while I was at an appointment with a skin doctor. I don't know if this counts, but I actually 'broke a sweat' trying to put the darned thing together! (When you get old, things that once seemed very easy, become hard, and turning the little wrench tool that was included in this chair package was almost impossible...but I got it done!) So, now I have a nice-looking, comfortable chair to sit in while I work online.... I am thinking my light may be on even later at night now... oh, dear! This chair makes me feel 'scholarly' somehow... but I don't think I'll start smoking a pipe or anything...

Today I went to the clinic in a town not too far from us. I have an appointment next week with my endocrinologist, and the first part of June with a physician's assistant who is working with the former patients of our doctor who left the practice. Each of these doctors wanted a different blood needed me fasting for 12 hours, and I had a glass of lemonade at about 11 p.m. last night, making it necessary to get the blood work done after 11 a.m. today. I did that, and this very nice clinic gave me a little white sack with a nutrition bar and a small container of juice to give me a 'boost' after the blood work was done. 

Then, I went to the downtown area, and had pizza buffet at Pizza Hut (sometimes I treat myself to a 'no-no' food, but only on rare occasions). I also did a little shopping and got some paint remover at the hardware store. Plus, I found out that a new ladies' clothing boutique has opened up in this town, and they have a tea room, and serve lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. That's where I'm going next time I am here to see a doctor!

I saw a skin doctor this afternoon, and she removed several keratosis pilaris from my back (that's what you get from all of that sunbathing without sunblock, over decades...) She also checked me over completely, froze a couple of 'pre-cancerous' itchy spots on my face, and told me to make an appointment to come back and have a biopsy of a 'suspicious' bump on one side of my nose. (This bump has been there quite a long time, and it has not grown or done anything suspicious, but I guess it's better to know than to not know, and get a rude awakening down the road.) Ain't growing old fun? Not especially...

But, all in all, I'm pretty healthy, as a general rule. So, I'll go get this done (at the end of the month...) and deal with whatever comes next. (Really would rather not lose part of the end of my nose, but of course, that is always a possibility.... I'll keep you posted!) Funny thing is, I always hated my nose as a teenager....thought it was too long! Interesting how the idea of maybe losing a chunk of the end of it gives me the 'willies' now...

Drove home in a chilly drizzle, and found the big box with my new chair inside sitting on the landing just inside the front door. So, I pulled the box up the stairs, got out my tools, and sat down to assemble the chair. Now, I'm sitting in it, writing this post, and thinking I was foolish to put up with the other wobbly, poor quality one all this time. This chair has a high back, arms and an adjustable height lever.... nice!

Some good news, and some news that I'd rather not think about....such is the day in the life of a 70-something lady here in the Midwest.

See you tomorrow...


  1. Definitely needed a new chair. That other one was not very nice!

    1. Yes, it is very nice. I'm not always scooting around, trying to get comfortable. David even likes it...
