My mother, Wilma Barrett, was 12 years old when my grandfather, George B. McCullan Barrett, took his own life. I will let her own hand-written biography tell the story...
"It was about this time that my father took his own life by shooting himself. I know my parents were not getting along well, and Mother was going to take Helen and I and go to one of her sisters'. I slipped out of the house and walked through a cornfield to town and to the house of my sister Daisy (I think I remember my mother telling that she took little Helen, who was five years old, with her...).
"I told her of the trouble and she called George, her husband, who owned a drugstore. He and another man drove out to the farm, but by the time they got there, my father had gone upstairs and killed himself.
"I remember the day of the funeral very well. It was at our house. The casket was in the parlor and I was led to it to have a last look at my father. I guess I couldn't comprehend it all, but it is sad to remember that scene and hearing my mother say 'Good-bye.' "
Since the clipping is hard to read, and I have not been able to increase the size sufficiently, I will retype the obituary here:
Temporary Insanity the Cause of the
Act -- Funeral Held on Monday
and Interment Followed
in Oakland Cemetery.
George B. Barrett, a farmer residing in the western edge of Sac City and a highly esteemed citizen, shot himself through the head near the temple at about 10:30 o'clock last Saturday forenoon. He lived until five minutes to six o'clock in the afternoon, when he passed away. He was unconscious during this time. It was temporary insanity that caused him to take his life.
On the morning of Saturday, Mr. Barrett came to Sac City and transacted business. He settled up his accounts with local merchants and retired to his farm home about ten o'clock. That morning he had one of his queer spells, and when he returned, his wife, considering it safer away from him because of his queer acting, went to the home of her daughter. Meanwhile, Mr. Barrett went to his room up stairs, changed his entire clothing and then pointed at his head the gun that sent the fatal shot. When the wife returned, with others, they were horrified to discover him lying on the floor and bleeding from the wound. Dr. W.H. Townsend was at once notified and he went quickly to the Barrett residence. It was found that the bullet had penetrated the brain and was picked up afterwards. His injuries were found to be of such a nature that death was but a matter of a short time.
The funeral was held at the house at 10:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. W. Countermine, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Sac City, of which the deceased was a member. With S. E. Humphries as undertaker, the remains were taken to Oakland cemetery, followed by many sorrowing friends and relatives, where he was laid to rest. The pallbearers were J.L. Fleming, R.D. Heacock, A.E. Shannon, Frank Wood, George Perrie, and Ed. Hubbell, of Rolfe. The relatives present at the funeral from away were Mrs. Josephine Lake (sister of the deceased), Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rowe (brother-in-law and sister of the deceased) of Maquoketa, Iowa, Mrs. Kate Vanderwicken of Ireton (sister of Mrs. Barrett), Mr. and Mrs. Giese from Morris ('Maurice'), Mrs. Marie Bach (mother of Mrs. Barrett), George Perrie and Ed Hubbell from Rolfe (old friends of the deceased).
Born in Iowa
George B. Barrett was born May 30, 1864, in Jackson county, Iowa, and was one of a family of eight children, two sisters and one brother having preceded him in death. His mother died in November 1892. He is survived by his father, two sisters, two brothers, his wife and five children. The oldest child is Mrs. George Neal, of Sac City, the other four, Herbert Eugene, Bertha, Wilma, and Helen all make their home with their mother in the west part of town.
About eight years ago Mr. Barrett was proprietor of the Central House in Sac City, continuing in that business about one year. Later he and his family moved to the Strohmeier farm south of Sac City. About four years ago Mr. Barrett and family moved to a farm near Mallard, Iowa, where they resided until last March, when they moved onto the 26-acre farm which they purchased from C.L. Canning, located in the western part of Sac City.
Casts Gloom Over Community
When news reached Sac City that George Barrett had shot himself it could hardly be believed, for that forenoon up to about 9:30 o'clock he was on the streets 'talking' to his friends and transacting business with the merchants. Little did his friends think that it was the last time they could look in his face or grasp his hand or say a word to him. From lips to lips the sad words traveled over Sac City and the surrounding country. After hearing the sad news many business men went to the Neal drug store to ask if it was true.
Until he became mentally deranged at times, Mr. Barrett was an exemplary citizen, a kind husband and loving father, and a good neighbor. He was a man of good moral habits and a good provider for his family. The entire community extends to the bereaved relatives their tenderest sympathy.
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