Enjoying the lake with the Eklunds...Molly, Diane and Megan
Megan, Molly and Diane waving at the camera, in front of the red cabin...photographer must be standing on the steps...
Megan, Molly and Diane waving at the camera, in front of the red cabin...photographer must be standing on the steps...
Megan, Molly and Diane, enjoying dance costumes at the lake (reminiscent of Linda and Carol, when they were young...many, many dance performances in front of the cabins wearing Linda's many dance costumes)
Poor, innocent Dave, held 'hostage' by the girls, and I can't believe they made him put on this costume! (He's going to have my hide for posting this picture!)
Here's Dave, proving his macho side...chopping wood....
Here are Marc Eklund and Dave having a good time playing in back of the cabins...
The kids pretending to take a boat ride...Molly, Diane, Doug and Dave.
Looks like Doug is the 'driver' here, with Marc doing the 'navigating.' Molly, Diane, Megan and Dave get to ride...
I guess the Brookners were at the lake at the same time...'cause there's Jeff, waving at the camera. Diane in front, then Marc, Jeff and Doug, Dave, Megan and Molly.
Diane showing the string of fish...nice ones!
A 'sort of smile' when you are holding a string of slimy fish...
Reg took Doug fishing...
Marc and Doug playing catch...
Pretty Diane in the beautiful northern woods!
Looks like the guys went golfing...not sure who is in the blue hat, but that's Al in the pink slacks, and looks like Reg in the purple shirt...
Now, here are some random shots with the kids...
That looks like Dave coming down that big slide...Whew!
Here are Dave, Diane and Doug at Deer Forest near Brainerd.
Karol Burman, Diane, Karen Burman and Dave enjoying being 'up close and personal' with a deer at Deer Forest near Brainerd. Karol and Karen were the kids' babysitters on West 7th Street.
Dave reached out to touch the antlers of a deer, while Karen Burman and Doug watch.
Nice form, Doug. Trying out golfing...
'...and he leans back into the swing...'
Putting skills are important...looks like it's going to go in!
Here are Diane, Doug and Dave, but I'm not sure where they are...looks like they have a 'Mountie' with them...
Again, I'm not just sure where this photo was taken, but there's Dave by the railroad tracks!
What a great shot! Doug going into the pool! He looks like he's enjoying himself!
More to come...y'all come back now, hear?
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